Monday, December 20, 2010


While expiermenting with making the first few comics, I tried a lot of different things. In my head there was a lot of "looks good" vs "takes long"...because the "takes long" bit makes something fun into a chore to do again. Starting off, the first one had space and was very pale/pastel.
I messed with sharper cross-hatched looking things, raw looking stuff in ink (ameatur looking on the computer I think ): )
Making a comic so quick and feestyle with markers like this was not something to continue...:C

The next few were all experiments to get a feel. I only really messed with RB and Eban, since they require little introduction. Thus came the next three little tests, which are of the two going back on forth on a game of interrupting each other.

The first one I happened to save un-colored too, mostly because I was tentatively making a dark background (right after that pastel thing - I was nervous!)

These few were done on my tablet again, of course.

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